Rockdale Getting into Musical Comedy Habits for Nunsense

Rockdale Getting into Musical Comedy Habits for Nunsense

Rockdale Musical Society (NSW) will stage Dan Goggin’s off-Broadway hit Nunsense from Aug 31st at Bexley RSL.

Nunsense is a hilarious spoof about the misadventures of five nuns trying to manage a fundraiser following the deaths of the rest of the sisterhood from botulism after eating vichyssoise prepared by Sister Julia. Thus, the remaining nuns – ballet-loving Sister Leo, street-wise Sister Robert Anne, befuddled Sister Mary Amnesia, the Mother Superior Sister Regina, and mistress of the novices Sister Mary Hubert – stage a talent show in order to raise the money to bury their dearly departed.

Written and composed by Dan Goggin, the original production of Nunsense started ‘off-Broadway’ and quickly developed a cult-following, running for 3,672 performances. It soon became an international phenomenon, translated into at least 26 languages with more than 8,000 productions worldwide and has garnered a slew of major awards.

Director James Worner told Stage Whispers, “My earliest memory of this wonderful ‘little’ show goes back to the original Sydney season. I had just begun my costume hire business and was set to attend a performance of Nunsense at the Seymour Centre. My original premises were on King Street, Newtown and a group of friends met me at the shop to check out my new venture. We decided to go dressed as nuns and priests to the performance for a laugh and set out for the quick trip down the road in our black and white finery. There is a line in one of the songs in the show ‘with a habit you get instant respect that you don’t have to earn’ and how true this was. People gave way to us in traffic, offered us a parking space, were particularly gracious when seating us and of course, with the audience participation sections of the show, we were right in the sights of the original cast! Reverend Mother even compared the different ‘cut’ of the collars on their habits to that of my friends!

“I use the term ‘little’ show loosely. Despite a small cast of five, this is a BIG show in so many ways. The experience and talent of this particular cast ensures a night of unpredictable entertainment and fun. The nuns must sing, dance and perform in a number of different styles and spend very little time away from the audience once the house lights dim. Even a short rehearsal period has not daunted or restricted the delight of putting this show together. It spells harmony in so many ways, the camaraderie and the laughs have been plentiful in rehearsal and the girls just can’t wait to ‘strut their stuff’!”           

Directed by James Worner, with musical direction by Andy Peterson and choreography by Ste Casimiro, the show features Leonie Johnson as Reverend Mother, Renee Bechara as Sister Mary Hubert, Rozlyne Vidal as Sister Robert Anne, Virginia Natoli as Sister Mary Amnesia and Lauren Mellor as Sister Mary Leo.


Bexley RSL & Community Club, 24 Stoney Creek Road Bexley

Tickets $25 / $18 conc

Bookings  Phone: 1300 244 523 or

Performances Fri 31 Aug 8pm, Sat 1 Sept 8pm, Sun 2 Sept 2pm, Wed 5 Sept 8pm, Fri 7 Sept 8pm, Sat 8 Sept 8pm and Sun 9 Sept 2pm

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