Blind Tasting

Blind Tasting
Written and directed by Paul Gilchrist. Starring Sylvia Keays. Produced by subtlenuance. Melbourne Fringe Festival. The Loft, Lithuanian Club, North Melbourne. Sept 28th to Oct 5th 2012.

Go up the stairs, past the hundreds of posters for other fringe performances and into a small dark room and take a peek into the life of Sophie, and “discovering truth hidden in each glass” of wine.

Part performance, part wine tasting, this witty, insightful performance was well crafted by Paul Gilchrist and delivered with confidence and a delightful balance of light and shade by Sylvia Keays. I think the script would make a great short story.  

Staging is simple, as with most Fringe performances, with basic lighting and a few sound cues, which allowed the spoken words to evoke clear mental images as Sophie describes events and incidents in her life.

This performance was a delight; intimate, funny, sad, and thoughtful.  

Shirley Jensen

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