
By Gerald Moon. Gold Coast Little Theatre. Directed by Nathan Schulz. June 29 to July 20, 2013.

CORPSE! What a great name for a “who-dun-it”, especially when there is only one lady, two gentlemen, a twin playing psychopath and multiple “corpses”.

Nathan Schulz, assisted by Barry Gibson, brought the corpses to life in an ever-twisting plot worthy of the best English thrillers.

As the psychopath, Dean Mayer had the task of playing both twins: happy- go-lucky Evelyn and financially-secure Rupert – alive and dead. What a mammoth part and well played by this enthusiastic dynamo! Cecile Campbell as the tipsy busybody landlady Mrs McGee, ever ready to trade the outstanding rent for a bit of “rumpy-pumpy”.

Thain Sykes was the unsuspecting “stranger” conned into shooting the second twin by the first twin (or was it visa-versa?) and Darren Campbell played the diligent neighbourhood “bobby”.

The set was interesting: half the stage was Evelyn’s squalid basement flat, while the other was Rupert’s fashionable two storey apartment; both were venues for a murder or two!

And the hardworking stage crew also had to substitute as “on stage” corpses while the real corpses swapped characters.

All in all, the show had pace and plenty of laughs.

Roger McKenzie

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