How The Other Half Loves

How The Other Half Loves
By Alan Ayckbourn. Tugun Theatre Co. Tugun Village Community Centre, Golf Coast. Director: Annie Lotocki. February 12th – 28th, 2015

Set in two London apartments simultaneously, this farce looks at the way some people cover up extramarital affairs at the expense of innocent third parties and Annie Lotokie’s production was grand and middle-class at the same time, as was the interesting set. The elegance of Frank (Chris Hawkins) and Fiona (Viviane Gian) Foster’s lavish decor as opposed to Bob (Adam Skelton) and Teresa (Peta Simeon) Phillips’ meagrely furnished abode was visually great and workable.

On the verge of being discovered, the dalliance between Fiona and Bob was saved by some quick thinking by the pair in mentioning the names of William (Craig Smith) and Mary (Gai Byrne) Featherstone as the innocent “others”.

It was a little slow to start, as the plot was revealed, but by the time of the second act the play had developed a rollicking pace.

The cast bounced off each other beautifully and reached an hysterical conclusion much to the comedic efforts of Gai as the downtrodden mouse turning into a mouse that roared.

Attention to detail added to the success of the production and the audience had a great night at the theatre.

Roger McKenzie    

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