If you really knew me

If you really knew me
Talk Out Loud. Adelaide Fringe. Worldsend Theatre. March 3-5, 2016

In a world where we are more likely to have a conversation via social media or telephone, it is nice to be reminded how important it is to talk to each-other in person; to take the time to care about what people are saying and ultimately be heard. Talk Out Loud is an organisation that brings awareness to many social issues that are a product of our lifestyles. Topics such as depression, sexuality, self-esteem, cyber-bullying and suicide are given a voice through many programs including the arts.

Although seven lives are lost a day in Australia due to suicide it is not always given dialogue due to the sensitivity of the subject matter. Director and writer Mary Galouzis changes all that as she brings her very personal story to the stage. Her exploration of the reasons for suicide and the aftermath of emotions experienced by loved ones who are left behind to pick up the pieces is harrowing.

Simple staging was all that was needed as the ensemble explored what it is to be human; full of self-doubt, anger, blame and loss. Left asking how you would feel to lose someone close in this way left me with a sadness that could be felt throughout the room. A poignant tale that needs to be told was executed with honesty and depth.

Singer/songwriter Katie Pomery captured the mood beautifully with her performance of her song ‘Home’. It was deeply moving and cemented the emotional message that needed to be conveyed.

Kerry Cooper

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