Tom Vickers and the Extraordinary Adventure of His Missing Sock

Tom Vickers and the Extraordinary Adventure of His Missing Sock
Spare Parts Puppet Theatre. Directed by Phillip Mitchell. The WA Shipwrecks Museum, Cliff St, Fremantle. April 14-29, 2018

Tom Vickers and the Extraordinary Adventure of His Missing Sock is a World Premiere installation theatre event created by Spare Parts Puppet Theatre and the WA Museum. Currently playing at the WA Shipwrecks Museum, it will tour to museums in Geraldton and Albany in May and June. 

A "choose your own adventure" style romp, audience members follow clues to various activities or scenes throughout the museum and its grounds. Dressed in coloured aprons, participant are issued with a passport and collect clue cards along the way. Groups set off at set intervals, passing through 19 installations and a variety of hands-on experiences with lots of surprises.

The adventure begins with a 3D film where we meet Tom Vickers (a very engaging Kingsley Judd), a former soldier who tells of his experience at the Christmas Truce on the Western Front during the Great War. You can then choose whether to follow the wool from Tom’s sock or his bootlaces, and you set off on your adventure.

Activities allow people of all ages to learn more about the war, particularly poignant in a season which runs through Anzac Day. Highlights include a visit to the post office, with a very enigmatic post master, a most impressive sock mountain, volunteering for the Red Cross and an immersive trip to the trenches with a funny and informative Flemish soldier (Sam Longley). 

Along the way we encountered lots of multi-generational families, including a family with nine year old twins, fourteen year old big brother, mum and grandparents, all of whom were enjoying the experience, and my sixteen year old companions had great fun. It took us a little longer than the advertised 50-90 minutes and not just because we went the wrong way (oops). I suggest being very careful about the trail you are following and make sure that the clue matches the destination. Bring water and sun-screen. 

This is a wonderful adventure that is highly interactive with lots to do and some great surprises. At times the story-line could be a little more explicit - but this does not detract from the joy of the adventure.

Tom Vickers and the Extraordinary Adventure of His Missing Sock is a delight - in more ways than one.

Kimberley Shaw

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