Venus in Fur

Venus in Fur
By David Ives. QTC. Cremorne Theatre, QPAC. 22 June – 27 July, 2013.

David Ives’ new play Venus in Fur opened off-Broadway in 2010, established its audience credentials and transferred to Broadway the following year where it attracted two major awards in 2012.

It’s a rare coup for QTC to acquire the Australian premiere rights so soon after the Broadway season of such a literary and dramatic gem.

Ives is a master of clever dialogue. This play is intense, multi-layered and a challenge for each of the two actors, but once it gets going it captivates its audience and doesn’t release them until the final moment. Todd MacDonald and Libby Munro acquit themselves superbly and richly deserved the standing ovation they received on opening night.

Director, Andrea Moor, has done a splendid job of coaxing her actors through the turbulent emotional scenes the play demands. Simone Romaniuk utilises the basic architecture of The Cremorne to create a grotty New York basement rehearsal rental space and repository for sundry pieces from various past shows. David Walters’ lights define the reality and surreality of the piece, assisted by Guy Webster’s soundscape that swings between sensitive and turbulent to match the mood of the storm both inside and outside. Dialect consultant, Melissa Agnew, led the actors carefully through three different dialects employed in the action.

It’s a rough ride for theatregoers but a very rewarding one.                                                                                        

Jay McKee   

Images: Todd MacDonald and Libby Munro. Photographer: Rob Maccoll

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