Cruisin' the Musical - Murdoch College - Perth W.A.

Cruisin' the Musical - Murdoch College - Perth W.A.

After producing Back to The 80s and Disco Inferno with great success, the Murdoch College Drama Company again turned to David Spicer's catalogue for its 2007 whole school production and chose Australia's very own 1950s musical Cruisin' by Rod Christian and Peter Waterman. It's got a large collection of fun songs and the story, revolving around the post-war migrant experience, is one that resonated with our particularly multicultural school.
A great thing about the 1950s is that you can get away with spoken delivery for several of the male characters - a boon for small schools - as is the professional backing CD you can use in place of a live band. With lots of comedy and some truly touching moments, ticket sales reflected the musical’s broad appeal.
The writers are happy to provide advice if you get stuck and are still very passionate about their show. The cast really appreciated their attendance at the final performance.
Scott Robertson, Head of Drama

Originally published in the September / October 2008 edition of Stage Whispers