Costumes, Props and Sets

The Kristian Fredrikson Scholarship for Design in the Performing Arts

The 2024 recipient of the Kristian Fredrikson Scholarship for Design in the P ...

School Musicals: To Buy or Hire.

Mark McDowell, the co-owner of Your Show and Costumes Without Drama, shares his tips on budgeting for a school mus ...

Scenic Studios in Focus

Scenic Studios specialises in theatrical painting of scenic backdrops and theatre scenery. They also manufacture scenic pai ...

Roadside Trash Into Stage Treasures

Veteran theatre creatives Bob and Col Peet featured in a recent episode of Stage Whispers TV on mastering prop ...

Cockatoo Carmen

Photo above by Hamilton Lund Opera Australia has moved Bizet’s famous opera to an island in Sydney Harbour, using its indust ...

Spectacular School Sets

Image: Les Misérables Adam Lindberg has designed and built sets for over 150 school productions since he graduated ...

Backdrops Fantastic

A show-stopping backdrop is a great way to set the scene in a stage production. Backdrops Fantastic supports theatres and scho ...

An Aladdin’s Cave of Costumes

Stage School Australia’s Costume Department and Staging Department teams run two large warehouses side-by-sid ...

Encore Costumes

Who needs a new costume when you can refashion an old one? The Brisbane Arts Theatre is especially adept at keeping their costumes ...

The Brief History of a Fake Cigarette

Can one prop alter the mood of a play? Director and writer Jacinta Sciusco believes it can, in the right hand ...