The Addams Family Young@Part

The Addams Family Young@Part
Book by Marshall Brickman and Rick Elice. Music and Lyrics by Andrew Lippa. Primadonna Productions. Young@Part Edition by Mark Tumminelli. Directed by Carole Dhu. Pinjarra Civic Centre, WA. July 5-6, 2019

Primadonna Productions’ youth troupe presented this very special version of The Addams Family. Young@Part productions are authorised shortened editions of musicals especially designed younger casts, including youth theatres, keeping the spirit of the show intact, while making the show more child friendly, simplifying the musical demands and giving extra tasks to the ensemble.

Primadonna’s cast ranged from 8 to 15 years of age, and worked well together, with great stage technique, excellent focus and bucket loads of enthusiasm.

The titular family showed lovely bonding and good understanding, with solid performances from Alex Pestrucci (Gomez), Jessica Prosser (Morticia), Indi Thompson (Wednesday) and Sarah Edmonstone (Fester).

Adam McWhinnie (Pugsley) aced his song and inhabited the role particularly well. Eleven year old Flynn Creelman was a superb example of casting against type, and is probably the tiniest Lurch in the history of the role, but acted the role superbly. Holly Creelman, a particularly petite Grandma, was my personal favourite, with a stellar performance of great depth.

Liam McCormack brought matinee idol charm to the role of Lucas Beineke, nicely supported by Stephen Jones as his father Mal, and Summer Verdon as mother Alice.

Seventeen keen, well trained, ensemblists played a myriad of Addams Ancestors, moving the show nicely and staying in character throughout.

Lovely to see such enthusiastic young performers, among a matinee crowd that were noticeably thrilled by the talents of these young people. Well done to cast, crew and their families. I look forward to your next youth production in February 2020.

Kimberley Shaw

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