Alex Ward: Saving for a Jetpack

Alex Ward: Saving for a Jetpack
Melbourne International Comedy Festival. Comedy Republic, 231 Bourke St, Melbourne. 30 March - 23 April 2023.

Alex Ward has great stage presence which is built on a very down to earth approach to her stand-up comedy. Ward shares a great deal of her personal experiences, her perspectives, and her life events and this creates a great sense of intimacy with the audience. This is also a factor that makes her humour and her performance style very relatable and endearing.

Ward covers a vast range of topics such as communicating and sustaining a relationship with parents, partners, friends, and pets. Her accounts often factor in the fact that we live in a media saturated climate which generates some very amusing moments. She also shares her experience of the extensive COVID lockdowns in Melbourne and her sometimes bizarre tales resonate very well with her audience. The absurdity that can seep into ordinary everyday life and exchanges is a strong theme in her comedy. Her story around the idea of saving for a jet pack is emblematic of the sometimes-surreal nature of life that also characterises her routine.

Ward effectively speaks directly to her generation. When telling a story, she gives the sense that the outcome will be predictable. Then she delivers some wonderfully unexpected twists and turns to the narrative in her punchlines. These punch lines often deliver very astute observations which make the humour very witty and sharp. This show is a great opportunity to see some fabulous local Australian comedy talent in action. 

Patricia Di Risio 

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