Bite Me

Bite Me
By Sian Murphy. Fringe World. Directed by Elise Wilson. The Blue Room Theatre, Main Space. Jan 28 - Feb 1, 2020

One of the higher aims of theatre is to make life changing impact on your audience, changing the way they see the world. I think it will be a long while before I enter the fruit and vegetable section of the super market without thinking about Bite Me.

An avocado and a chilli spend the hours leading to closing time desperately trying to be picked by a shopper - an outcome they see as their purpose in life. Joined by Daisy the Steak, accidentally abandoned in the produce section, they dream of the men they hope will pick them. Of course this is a deliciously clever metaphor for the way women see themselves and the impact of the male gaze, but it is also very funny in its own right.

This clever concept, very nicely written by Sian Murphy, is directed by Elise Wilson in an impressive directorial debut. Courtney Cavallaro shines as Rudi the Chilli, sarcastic and sassy, Tallulah Starkie is impressive as body-conscious and competitive as Ava Avocado. Completing this tight knit trio, is Caitlin McFeat as the delightfully naive Daisy the Steak, who is somewhat of an audience favourite.

Wonderful costumes by Fiona McDonald set the tone for the show, played almost without a set. Sound design by Isaac Diamond plays a vital role, while Amelia Baker’s bold lighting choices are a highlight.

While the deeper meaning of Bite Me will certainly give the audience food for thought, the immediate effect may be that you will be unable to eat avocado, chilli or steak for a few days…or weeks. See the show anyway, it’s worth it.

Kimberley Shaw

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