
The Poison of Polygamy

A play by Anchuli Felicia King. Based on the novel by Wong Shee Ping, translated by Ely Finch. Sydney Theatre Company / La Boite co-production. Wharf 1 Theatre. Jun 8 – Jul 8, 2023

Since ancient times, picaresque fables have followed an often irredeemable anti-hero through a long journey of life and reparation. This tale, serialised in a Chinese Australian newspaper from 1909, follows an opium-addicted émigré from Guangdong to the Victorian goldfields and onto early Melbourne opportunities for more wealth and depravity.


By Giuseppe Verdi and Antonion Ghislanzoni. Opera Australia. Director David Livermore. Conductor Stuart Stratford. Joan Sutherland Theatre, Sydney Opera House. 19 June – 21 July, 2023

Giuseppe Verdi rose from humble beginnings to become one of the world’s greatest composers. His “big, beautiful melodies and expressive dramatic orchestral music” are performed continuously in opera houses around the world. He composed 26 operas and his famous Requiem – all of which led to him being so loved and respected that 200,000 ‘fans’ lined the streets at his funeral in 1901.

Thndo “The Reintroduction”

Adelaide Cabaret Festival, SA. The Banquet Room, Adelaide Festival Centre. 22nd June 2023

Soon after making it to the ‘final four’ on The Voice Australia 2022, the now Melbourne-based Thando changed her name to Thndo, signed with a new management team (August MGMT), and embarked on an East coast tour.  In the past Thndo has performed to huge crowds at festivals including Bluesfest, Womadelaide, Adelaide Cabaret Festival, Groovin the Moo, Big Sound, Jungle Love, and Woodford Folk Festival.

At What Cost?

By Nathan Maynard. State Theatre Company South Australia. Odeon Theatre. 16 June- 1 July, 2023

At What Cost? by Nathan Maynard on every level is challenging, which is as any theatre experience should be. The issues being grappled with are so relevant and confronting as Australia faces the Voice referendum this year. For this reviewer it was uncomfortable to see the wounds that First Nations people in Australia carry with them and the burden of sheer frustration and sadness. But this is how we wake up!


By Michael Frayn. Ensemble Theatre, Sydney. Directed by Mark Kilmurry. 16 June – 22 July 2023

It seems that this production, postponed from last year’s COVID pile-up, has arrived exactly on time. Michael Frayn’s excellent play from 1984 is about an architect who wants to build higher and higher, cramming more people into an allotted space. And this week a local Sydney mayor called the same general plan, which had received high praise from the NSW Premier at a Sydney Leadership Dialogue, a ‘free-for-all for developers’ and ‘a Trojan horse for more shoebox-size apartments in suburbs that can barely cope’. Ouch.


Queensland Ballet. Playhouse Theatre, QPAC, Brisbane. 16 - 25 June, 2023

Triple bills (the presentation of three shorter original works in one evening) have been on the international ballet agenda for quite some time now and what is so inviting and invigorating about this genre is not only the diversity of entertainment on display but also the platform it creates for choreographers and composers alike to express a personal creative journey, untap passions and explore realms of the unknown.

Grit to Glitz

Adelaide Cabaret Festival. Quartet Bar, Festival Theatre. 21 June 2023

Emily ‘Mickey’ Hahn was just 19 when she drove across America 1924 – dressed as a man to avoid any trouble. The remainder of her life was no less exciting, living in Africa, Asia, Europe, and America through tumultuous times of world history, writing articles, prolifically publishing books, and taking lovers where she went.

Rabbits on a Red Planet

Book: Andy Leonard and Irving Gregory. Score: Ryley Gillen. Director Isaac Broadbent. Flight Path Theatre. 7-24 June, 2023

A musical satire that mixes science fiction, space travel, politics, undercover activists, a self-centred multi-millionaire, and giant mutant rabbits? A little ambitious perhaps? Mmmm …

There are moments of clever writing and acting in this production, and some interesting music, but eventually it all becomes a bit too much. Unfortunately, the many themes get confused in overcrowded lyrics and too-loud harmonies that reverberate in a space that is not particularly acoustically friendly.

Hootenanny with Mark Nadler

Adelaide Cabaret Festival. The Banquet Room, Adelaide Festival Centre. 17th June 2023

Mark Nadler has returned after a Covid-hiatus to sprinkle fabulousness all over the Adelaide Cabaret Festival and he seems utterly delighted to be back.


By David Auburn. Ad Astra, Brisbane. 15 June to 8 July 2023

First-time director Caitlin Hill gives David Auburn’s 20-year old award-winning play Proof a radiant remake with a cast sent from heaven.

Despite its multi-layered themes of maths and mental illness, the play’s heart is all about love – parental and sibling relationships, caring for family, and the excitement of a potential new relationship. These elements of love demand that we like, or at least learn to like, the characters involved. That is not a problem in this production, as the cast simply radiate warmth and are a joy to watch in action.

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