
By Oliver Twist. Griffin Theatre Company. SBW Stables Theatre. March 16 – 27, 2021

Young Oliver Twist is a very accomplished jali, or as they mean in West Africa, historian or storyteller. 

Alone on Griffin’s suitably intimate and newly reopened stage, Twist shares his confronting refugee journey from Rwanda through war and hardship – before landing in Sydney as a stand-up comedian.

His life starts with the sparks igniting his parent’s passion, just as fires of tribal genocide break out in Rwanda, and so dangerously for his parents, one a Hutu, the other a Tutsi.  Still a toddler, Twist with his family trudge to Malawi where he spends a childhood dealing with endless officials scanning their threadbare IDs.   

There are more violent, ghastly stories experienced by other African refugees now living in Australia, but Twist’s are sharply described and warmly delivered, his youngster fears highly tangible yet his tale alleviated with great humour. 

His Dickensian name was invented by the 18-year-old after he finally made it here, first to the foreign streets of Ipswich.

Director Erin Taylor effectively moves Twist through the many short chapters of his story, around a simple rostrum stage backed by dark gravel-textured walls, designed and tightly lit by Kelsey Lee.

Twist it seems is no trained actor which surely heightens his fresh charm and empathy.  He’s yet though to move with full physical and vocal ease though the ranges of his storytelling. But that will come. He’s a jali to watch.

Martin Portus

Photographer: Estelle Yoon.

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