Miss Lily’s Fabulous Feather Boa

Miss Lily’s Fabulous Feather Boa
By Michael Barlow adapted from the book by Margaret Wild and Kerry Argent. Directed by Michael Barlow. Spare Parts Puppet Theatre, Short St, Fremantle, WA. Apr 3-17, 2021

Miss Lily’s Fabulous Feather Boa is somewhat of a Spare Parts Puppet Theatre favourite, with revivals every few years to entertain a new group of children. The latest incarnation features a new cast and remains just as delightful.

A lovely little tale about a lonely little potoroo who finds her confidence at Miss Lily’s Tropical Holiday House, it has a myriad of lovely little subtle messages about conservation, the importance of not judging people by appearance, the value of building other people’s confidence of family and belonging.

The show features a number of loveable characters including a family of koalas, a family of wombats, the fabulous Miss Lily – who is a larger than life, gorgeous crocodile, and the ‘last’ potoroo – an absolutely adorable little marsupial. They are created in varying puppet forms as designed by Iona McAuley, and brought to life by an enthusiastic cast.

Cezara Critti-Schnaars is excellent in all her roles, but is exceptionally delightful and charts a beautiful journey as the little Potoroo, Tristan McInnes is especially strong as the kind and flamboyant Miss Lily, with Ming Yang Lim’s sweet Wombat Dad very charming.

It was a pleasure to see Miss Lily’s Fabulous Feather Boa at a public performance and enjoy the unbridled enthusiasm of its young audience. A funny but poignant show that will delight families this school holidays.

Kimberley Shaw

Photographer: Rebecca Mansell

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