Ordinary Days

Ordinary Days
By Adam Gwon. ACP and Playlovers. Directed by Alide Chaney. Stirling Theatre, Innaloo WA. Mar 3-13, 2021

Ordinary Days had a less than ordinary journey to production. Originally scheduled for a run at His Majesty’s Theatre during FringeWorld, it was postponed, then cancelled during the most recent Perth Lockdown. Three of the four actors changed during the rehearsal period. Eventually Ordinary Days had a very successful Covid-capacity run as a co-production between ACP and Playlovers at Stirling Theatre, warmly supported by Stirling Players.

Simply set with just a collection of rostra blocks - this still felt like a fully realised production, thanks to a full and well created lighting design by John Woolrych and a little surprise in the staging. Beautifully accompanied on keyboard by Musical Director Emily Gelineu, sound was balanced nicely by Jane Anderson and Kieran O’Regan.

What initially appears to be a series of vignettes gradually morph into two engaging and perhaps unlikely, New York romances. Gemma Sharpe is loveable as Claire, gradually revealing a lovely depth of character in a nicely sung, highly personable performance. She is nicely paired with Cal Sliberstein, a great sounding Jason with truth and lovely timing. Izzi Green gives Deb a wonderful quirkiness and is a delight to watch, while Ethan Churchill is strong as the offbeat and earnest Warren.

A lovely sense of ensemble in a well polished, nicely paced production. Very popular with audiences, it developed something of a cult following in its short run, with a considerable number of returning audience members. Great to see this lovely little musical in Perth for the first time.

Kimberley Shaw

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