Satyagraha in Concert

Satyagraha in Concert
Composed by Philip Glass, libretto by Philip Glass and Constance De Jong. Presented by Opera Australia with Orchestra Victoria. Directed by Andy Morton. Conducted by Tahu Matheson. Hamer Hall, Arts Centre, Melbourne. 13 May 2023.

Philip Glass’s music style is synonymous with repetition and minimalism. The combination in this hypnotic opera creates a uniquely profound and intense experience. The opera covers the era in which Gandhi spent time in South Africa advancing his non-violent cause against oppressive colonial regimes. The composition captures the incredible rapture and sublime experience of such an important movement, characterised by incredible discipline of the mind.

Glass transforms these deeply moving emotions and sentiments into awe-inspiring music and singing. The use of musical refrains is incredibly soothing and elicits the feelings of transcendence and inner calm that inspire and fuel non-violent protest. There are many factors which make this opera quite singular. For example, the libretto is performed in the original Sanskrit and the story draws from the sacred Hindi text the Bhagavad Gita. The figures in this story are heroic and valiant not for violent exploits but for their efforts to maintain calm and composure. This is all beautifully distilled in the performance via an incredible serenity in the combination of orchestra and voice.

The performers are extraordinary in their delivery of such a demanding and deeply emotional text. Shanul Sharma (M K Gandhi), Rachelle Durkin (Mrs. Schlesen), Olivia Cranwell (Mrs. Naidoo), Agnes Sarkis (Kasturbai), Andrew Moran (Mr. Kallenbach), Richard Anderson (Parsi Rustomji/Lord Krishna), Sian Sharp (Mrs. Alexander), Alexander Sefton (Prince Arjuna) all invoke a celestial quality to the nature of their characters. Their performances are filled with power, passion and poise. Satyagraha in Concert is a masterful and spellbinding experience that acts as a fine conduit for this sensational operatic work.

Patricia Di Risio 

Images: Shanul Sharma and Olivia Cranwell (Photographer: Andrew Campbell).

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