Two Hearts

Two Hearts
By Laura Lethlean. The Anchor theatre company. The Butterfly Club, Melbourne. Feb 25 – Mar 2, 2019

Two Hearts is the new play by The Anchor theatre company, currently part of the inaugural One Act Play Festival at the Butterfly Club.

Two Heartsis a fine piece of understated dramatic theatre, exploring the indefinite and tender twenty something relationship between a male (Jack Dixon-Gunn) and female (Siobhan Connors). They meet at a party, at the third floor of a town house in Carlton; a recurring place and time of this scenario is a crucial Ground Hog Day device, along with the third party person (Mia Tucco), who acts as a voice that steers and guides changes and revelations between the pair.

The Anchor theatre company has provided new and insightful theatrical challenges that are dramatically absorbing and daring in style and technique. They formed back in 2015, three woman sharing a similar approach to theatre making - director Katie Cawthorne, writer Laura Lethlean and Jessica Arthur.

Two people, two lives - search for meaning and understanding as the past and the present and pending future are under scrutiny and their meaningful yet tumultuous life together is in jeopardy. It is great to see simple yet thought provoking theatre that can confront the audience with common everyday life situations.

There are stark honest grounding moments and both actors give fine naturalistic performances, while Tucco is a reality check archangel that sits comfortably on both their shoulders (metaphorically speaking). The set is bare minimal and so it should be because the dialogue is poetic with poignant allegorical imagery and musings as these two people try to make amends with life changing experiences.

Flora Georgiou

Image: The Anchor - Katie Cawthorne, Laura Lethlean and Jessica Arthur.

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