Wolfgang's Magical Musical Circus

Wolfgang's Magical Musical Circus
Circa. Riverside Theatre Parramatta. 10-12 July, 2023

What a great way to introduce kids to really clever circus – and classical music! The productions of Circa are renowned internationally not just for the talent and daring of the artists involved, but also for their theatricality and clever physical comedy. This production, aimed specifically at young audiences, combines each of those features performed with split second timing to classical musical pieces augmented by a piano accordion.

Two Circa artists show their fine acrobatic skills as they dance, balance, tumble and ride a trick bicycle while getting dressed in Restoration wig and costume! All that is interspersed with series of comedic routines that are ingenious acrobatic improvises on musical props … sheet music, a collapsing music stand, a collection of flying batons … and a moving spotlight!

Accompanying them throughout is a musician who intermingles his piano accordion with the recorded classical pieces, all the while supporting the action with wide-eyed wonder. The three work in perfect harmony and flawless timing, keeping the audience on edge with their circus skills – and entertained with intricate mimes and expressive grunts and guffaws!

Circa never fails to awe and amaze. In this imaginatively planned and impeccably timed piece of acrobatic mayhem, they introduce young audience to two areas of the classical arts in a program that is awe-inspiring and uplifting!

Carol Wimmer

Photographer: Dylan Evans

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