Woo Woo

Woo Woo
Melbourne International Comedy Festival. Bard’s Apothecary. April 18 – 20, 2024.

Improvisational comedy is unpredictable, relying on audiences to spur on gags. In turn, it builds up a friendly camaraderie with punters and creates a fun atmosphere.

Woo Woo is an improv show, it is more than just laughing at the skinny -weird guy Damien Vosk who kindly introduces himself as your average insignificant blend-in-the-crowd-type, as he stands behind the microphone on the makeshift stage in the cellar of a chic bar with a cool name such as Bard’s Apothecary, located down a side street somewhere in the CBD.

Woo Woo is a virtual experience. Welcome to the world of believe it or not. There are spaceships and aliens out there and Vosk goes all out to create an atmospheric sound, visual and interactive experience for us. His objective is to convince us that believing in the Extra-terrestrial is not a conspiracy theory, and not to be afraid to speak the truth and fear not of being marginalised if you  truly  believe in UFO’s, because they are really real.

Vosk has been inspired by the big guns. He takes us back to July 2023 when former US Intelligence officer and UFO whistle-blower David Grusch reveals that the US government has evidence of alien spaceships. We watch it on the TV screen. Meanwhile, Vosk is behind the curtain conjuring up one of his many characters.

Vosk’s performance belongs in an old school circus side show alley. He jumps in and out of costumes, portrays a string of zany personalities, jibes the crowd, creates a jovial ambience, and looks for laughs, getting many, along with guffaws and giggles. Nicky the techie is his right hand man; he is a whiz at orchestrating the interactive digital laser light show , tuning  the funky  eerie soundscape. He might just be a real woo woo in disguise.

Woo Woo is a hoot, a welcomed addition to the top comedy acts.

Flora Georgiou

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